Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yoga DVD Update:

Yin Yoga with Paul Grilley

By Richard Rosen

Pranamaya;; 5 1/2 hours.

Twenty-some years ago at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in San Francisco, my classmates and I were subjected to a practice called "timed forward bends"—each of the poses in the sequence was held passively for somewhere between 10 minutes and an eon. Paul Grilley systematized this timed, passive-holding approach as Yin Yoga, which, he says, is a complement to the more active, huff-and-puff yoga styles favored in the West. The two DVDs in this package include a lecture on Yin theory, an accompanying practicum, and three hourlong Yin sequences.

Since Yin students spend five minutes or more in a pose, a Yin instructor needs a good shtick to keep everyone interested and in place. Grilley is an intelligent and empathic teacher and a congenial raconteur, both educator and entertainer. His technique can potentially help increase flexibility and self-acceptance, not only in your asana practice but in your daily life. And this is a great resource for learning it.

Calling all Yogis …. September 2, 2008 Paul Grilley will be releasing his Yin Yoga DVD. This video is over 300 minutes of yoga and wisdom from guru Paul Grilley.

Learn more at

1 comment:

i said...

I used this video and absolutely loved it! Although some of the stretches are held so long it's almost painful.